Brazilian's integration policies and the public budget: a study of the main intersection factors within the migration governance framework


  • Luísa Chaloub Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Sidney Guerra


The main focus of this paper is to analyse Brazilian’s integration policies and their relationship with the public budget within the migration governance framework, making a brief study of the main intersection factors. Other than that, it also tries to understand, throughout a historical and contextual reconstruction, the main political and economic reasons that shaped the models of governance and the consequent decision to design and implement the integration policies. In this scenario, the contextualist-historical method is adopted, as it is the most suitable and reliable for understanding and better assessing the topic, in order the anticipate the epistemological issues that could arise from this work. Besides that, an interdisciplinary comparative analysis is also necessary. The approach that is not concerned with mobilizing legal theory or the cultural context of its objects is not capable of producing nothing but theoretical constructions allegedly scientific and, at worst, wrong conclusions. This paper outlines an unprecedented and necessary strategy for addressing this subject in order to fill the existing literature gap in the field, both in terms of topic and methodology. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this paper intends to build valuable and applicable considerations regarding the topic.



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Biografía del autor/a

Luísa Chaloub, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



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Cómo citar

Chaloub, L. y Guerra, S. (2022) «Brazilian’s integration policies and the public budget: a study of the main intersection factors within the migration governance framework», Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (19), pp. 56–74. Disponible en: (Accedido: 16 abril 2024).